6. Format: Necessary Computer Skills with
the Title Quick Style.
7. Modify the Title
Quick Style to use Arial Black Font.
8. Apply the Style
changes to this document only.
9. Apply Heading Style 1 to the table
heading Computer Skills
10. Apply Table Quick Style of your
11. Select Last Column. Remove the
selection First column.
12. Save the
document as Your Name Advanced Word Skill Test.
13. Save the document as a PDF of the
same name.
Before You Begin:
Start Microsoft Word 2013.
This Skill Test includes a
sample file:
Advanced Word Necessary Computer Skills.docx
Try This: Do the following steps
1. Open the sample document:
Advanced Word Necessary Computer Skills.docx
2. Add the following footnote to the end
of the second sentence of the paragraph: Lack of Computer Skills Foils
Many Job-Seekers.
7/29/2010. Accessed 1/16/2011.
3. Add a Form Control to the second
column of the table:
Insert a Dropdown (Combo) box.
Double click to edit the Dropdown
Add three choices to the list:
Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Add two
Check boxes to the second column of the table.
Label them Yes and
Insert a new blank Row at the top of the chart:
Add a Text field
labeled Name:
Add a Date Picker in
the Second column